Somebody, Somewhere
Friday, April 25, 2008 by mitch

Somebody, Somewhere is Cazals new song and its a killer. What makes it even better is the Lifelike remix. This guy keeps popping up everywhere and will continue to, which i have no problems with as this guy does an awesome remix.
Be sure to buy Cazals new single out May 5th 2008. But for now here is a sample of what is to come.
Somebody, Somewhere - Cazals (Lifelike remix)
While on the subject of Cazals, i happened to stumble across another of their treasures. While sorting through my iTunes i came across To Cut A Long Story Short (Rafale Ultra remix). I don't know how long i have had this song on my iTunes, but it is all about the cowbell and synth and i cant stop playing it. The break down and build up right in the middle really make this remix. Nice work by Rafale Ultra.
To Cut A Long Story Short (Rafale Ultra remix)(320)