Splendour 2009..!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 by circle.square.triangle

Splendour In The Grass is one of Australia’s most notable music festivals and this year we were invited to take a look at what makes it so great.
SITG is special for a variety of reasons. Its length and location, adds a level of legitimacy to its attendees. Buying a ticket also requires the booking of campsites, hotels, motels, planes, trains and automobiles. This process acts as fuckwit filter if-you-will. A filter which is by no means perfect, but aids in creating one of the best crowds in Australia.
Day 1.
Armed with a stomach full of bacon and eggs, and two newly purchased gumboots. We set out on our journey to the Belongil Fields. Cruising through the streets of Byron Bay you immediately recognise the fresh infestation of booze drinking, pill popping, music loving splendour participants. An endless line of attendees border each of the roads out to the fields.
After disembarking our shuttle, we worked our way through the main gate and into the heart of the festival. I had heard whispers of a drink ticketing system prior to the event. And after 15minutes of group bickering, we worked out the 411.
- Drink could not be purchased with cash.
- An attendee must purchase tickets to buy a drink.
- One ticket equals One dollar.
- For every drink you purchased one ticket was used as a recycling voucher
- Upon returning your empty drink you received one ticket that could be used to purchase more drinks.

Whilst we had been inside the festival for a couple of hours now. The first act we managed to worked our way to was Sydney based Bluejuice. As day was still young the vibe of the crowd was somewhat subdued. It was strange and almost refreshing to see a crowd so relaxed. Playing to a half filled Mix Up tent, the vibe began to intensify with the Who like keyboard chiming trough the air. Accompanied by those all too familiar Australian vocals. Broken Leg was just getting us warmed up. The Bluejuice set peaked with their hit song Vitriol shifting the tent into party gear…
After a sneaky beverage or two it was time to see what Frenchman Yuksek had to offer. As a new name to the Australian public, I wasn’t expecting much of a response from the crowd. Boy was I wrong! Darkness had graced us and the vocoder washed lyrics “Take my hand tonight, go ahead tonight” was ringing throughout the tent. As one of the most electronic acts at SITG it was clear that the crowd was here to do one thing… dance their fucking arses off. With his grinding synths, Yuksek has us in the palm of his hand. It was definitely the highlight of our first day.

It was soon that time of the night. The choice between Manchester lunatics The Happy Mondays and the considerably more sane Bloc Party. With the intent of swinging by to catch the finale of THM performance I worked my way into the Supertop where Bloc Party were about to play. The contrast between this performance and the 2005 Bloc Party splendour sideshow was amazing. The Supertop was bursting with literally half of the festival 17,500 attendees. As SITGveterans, Bloc Party did not disappoint. Playing a variety of tracks from all three albums no fan was left unsatisfied.
Day 2.

The second day began much like the first. Though this time there was the all too familiar remnants of a headache and the memories of one too many vodka red bulls. But what better way to start the day then with the tropical pop sounds of the Friendly Fires. Lead by the incredibly energetic Ed Macfarlane on vocals, the band played an unforgettable set. Immaculate performances by the whole band really showed that these guys had been doing this for a while. Highlights included Skeleton boy and new single Kiss of Life.
Friendly Fires - Kiss Of Life (192)

No previously knowing much of The Doves I entered the Supertop with an open mind. This was another band that was no stranger to performance. The wonderfully melodic sound of The Doves, calmed the crowd before the night intensified with acts like Grinspoon, and The Flamming Lips.

NY heavyweights MGMT had un-surprisingly packed out the Supertop. Every fluro covered teenster had pushed their way to the front of the stage to eagerly await their arrival. I’d heard previously that MGMT had disappointed crowds in Sydney with their last tour. But assumed that this was due to a large portion of the audience hearing only Electric Feel and purchasing a ticket. It turns out these guys are just boring live. Whilst there was an additional couple of members on stage, the band had no presence and was clear that these guys where 10% show and 90% backing. Maybe I’m being a little too harsh. But I think it’s fair to expect more from a band with this amount of commercial success.

After a quite disappointing MGMT performance we where immediately graced by the slightly odd looking lead singer of The Flaming Lips, Wayne Coyne. Pacing up and down the stage as it was filled with props, stopping only to fire confetti into the air. It was clear that this was going to be a show like no other we had seen before.
It began with erratic psychedelic tones and the band members emerging from a 30 feet solarised vagina. As large clear ball containing a man began to inflate center stage. The crowd soon realised that what they had heard was true. Yes, It was a giant hamster ball, and Wayne Coyne was going to walk it out over the crowd. The logistics of which I had previously contemplated prior to the show.
Balloons soon began to bounce through the crowd as confetti fell from the sky. There was an overwhelming sense of excitement in the air. The feeling that you where as much a part of the show as the band itself.
Watching The Flaming Lips was more than a performance, it was an experience. Something that should be experienced by any music lover. It was the perfect way to wrap up the 2009 Splendour in The Grass.
Thanks again Splendour In The Grass. We had an awesome time and hope to see you again next year, maybe at a new location :)

No previously knowing much of The Doves I entered the Supertop with an open mind. This was another band that was no stranger to performance. The wonderfully melodic sound of The Doves, calmed the crowd before the night intensified with acts like Grinspoon, and The Flamming Lips.

NY heavyweights MGMT had un-surprisingly packed out the Supertop. Every fluro covered teenster had pushed their way to the front of the stage to eagerly await their arrival. I’d heard previously that MGMT had disappointed crowds in Sydney with their last tour. But assumed that this was due to a large portion of the audience hearing only Electric Feel and purchasing a ticket. It turns out these guys are just boring live. Whilst there was an additional couple of members on stage, the band had no presence and was clear that these guys where 10% show and 90% backing. Maybe I’m being a little too harsh. But I think it’s fair to expect more from a band with this amount of commercial success.

After a quite disappointing MGMT performance we where immediately graced by the slightly odd looking lead singer of The Flaming Lips, Wayne Coyne. Pacing up and down the stage as it was filled with props, stopping only to fire confetti into the air. It was clear that this was going to be a show like no other we had seen before.
It began with erratic psychedelic tones and the band members emerging from a 30 feet solarised vagina. As large clear ball containing a man began to inflate center stage. The crowd soon realised that what they had heard was true. Yes, It was a giant hamster ball, and Wayne Coyne was going to walk it out over the crowd. The logistics of which I had previously contemplated prior to the show.
Balloons soon began to bounce through the crowd as confetti fell from the sky. There was an overwhelming sense of excitement in the air. The feeling that you where as much a part of the show as the band itself.
Watching The Flaming Lips was more than a performance, it was an experience. Something that should be experienced by any music lover. It was the perfect way to wrap up the 2009 Splendour in The Grass.
Thanks again Splendour In The Grass. We had an awesome time and hope to see you again next year, maybe at a new location :)
Comments (3)
August 13, 2009 at 3:11 PM
Splendour Baby
September 18, 2009 at 1:17 AM
One of the better reviews I have read. But really shhhhhh don't tell everyone how good it was, it will make it even more impossible to get tickets next year.
September 29, 2009 at 8:17 PM
Hey! don’t miss the Kitsune Maison and Neon Noise Project Warehouse party the 31st Oct! Headliner Yuksek will be performing live his debut album “Away From The Sea for only the 2nd time in London!! http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?region=gb_london&query=detail&event=344747