Coin operated hurricane
Thursday, April 15, 2010 by mitch

This time Nervous Records brings Spain's producer/remixer/dj David Trot with his remix of Winx's track 'Don't Laugh'. Trot invites you on a journey with this one. Taking a little while to get into the swing of things you suddenly find yourself hooked with the hahahahaha's. It kind of freaks me out. The thought of some old lady in a rocking chair or a freaky little kid within a room full of smoke rocking back and forth as the track builds up and then lets loose with the drop. I don't know. fuck.
Coin Operated Boy has been floating around the blogosphere for some time now. This time he remix's Don't Wait Animate's track 6174. Strong steady synth lines running throughout the tune I think theres a perfect balance between whats going on in the background and the vocals themselves. Catchy tune.