Lupe Fiasco/Kid Cudi
Sunday, April 04, 2010 by Travis

Lupe Fiasco released his newest mixtape 'Enemy Of The State' in anticipation of his upcoming record 'Lasers', not too much to say about this one other than listen out for his take on Radiohead!
Lupe Fiasco - Enemy Of The State
01. Intro (Keri Hilson/'Knock U Down')
02. The National Anthem (Radiohead)
03. Turnt Up (Travis Porter)
04. Yoga Flame (Weezy/'Fireman')
05. Lazers (skit)
06. Angels Remix (Diddy-Dirty Money)
07. So Ghetto (Jay-Z)
08. Say Somethin (Timbo x Drake)
09. Thank You (Jay-Z)
10. The One (Slaughterhouse)
11. Popular Demand (Clipse)
12. HP Skit
...also Kid Cudi has a new video KiD CuDi - Soundtrack 2 My Life (Directed by Jason Goldwatch) from DatNewCudi / DP on Vimeo.